Stuck at home, but still sharing Jesus!

“Life before lockdown wasn’t always a bed of roses. But it was normal and predictable… usually… Now everything seems unknown. What does the future hold? Is there a door of hope?”

In partnership, Biblica and HOPE Together produced Hope in Uncertain Times – a booklet pointing to hope for now and for eternity.

Churches have ordered copies. Individuals have ordered copies. Mr and Mrs Wright have ordered over 100 copies.
Mr Wright had Guillain-Barre syndrome, followed by other health complications and is tetraplegic.  Two, often different, carers come into their home four times daily. Seeing this as an opportunity, Mr and Mrs Wright have been offering each of the carers a booklet.

On receiving the booklet, one of the carers shared how she went to Sunday School when she was a child and was pleased to recite John 3:16. So blessed by the booklet the carer asked for some copies to send to her Granny in a care home in Scotland.

Mrs Wright said

“We are stuck at home, but through this booklet we can reach others with the hope we have in Jesus.”

What an inspiration! “They will still bear fruit in old age” Psalms 92:12-15

Happyland – The Christmas Story

Happyland is one of Early Learning Centre’s oldest and best loved brands and is described as “a place of wonder, fuelled by the imagination of each child who travels there!”

In partnership Biblica and HOPE Together have published the all-new Happyland Christmas Story booklet. The 20-page booklet uses the popular Happyland characters along with Glen Scrivener’s nativity rhyme. Glen is the Director and Evangelist at Speak Life.

In addition to the booklet there is an incredible Happyland nativity animation which you can access on YouTube:

The animation is available to share on social media, in schools and in church services. What a great way to bring the nativity story to life for Christmas 2020!

To buy the Happyland Christmas Story booklet click here to go to the HOPE Together Shop.

We are delighted to be part of making this creative and accessible resource available and would love to hear from you how you plan to use the booklet. In December it would be great to follow up and hear how the booklets have been shared and the reaction of people to them. To share with us how you plan to use the booklet please email [email protected]

Summer of Love

In February 2020 the phonelines were hot between Biblica and the Scottish Bible Society (SBS) as a unique edition of Mark’s Gospel was finalised and published. The plan was that 7,000 copies would be distributed to churches and individuals across Scotland to share in their communities with a further 3,000 copies for Scripture Union Scotland to use at their 2020 Summer Camps.

It will not surprise you that when the COVID-19 pandemic reached Scotland and the country went into lockdown, the plans were shelved and the 10,000 copies of Mark’s Gospel, which arrived just 2 days before lockdown, went into storage.

Mark's Gospel
Mark’s Gospel

A number of months on we were keen to get an update from SBS and to find out about other projects Biblica have been involved with, so we had a chat with Fiona McDonald, Director of National Ministries.

On Mark’s Gospel Fiona said “First off they are beautiful books! We are so pleased with them. They are beautifully illustrated to show contemporary life and designed to be an accessible read for those outside the church”. Fiona went on to confirm that “they arrived just as lockdown began and so we had to warehouse them as distribution was impossible”.

However, Fiona explained that in the months that followed they were able to send copies to some churches which was great in terms of getting some early feedback from others.  One rural church in the Highlands of Scotland had been distributing ‘Boxes of Blessing’ containing various essentials for people who were having to isolate due to the pandemic.  The boxes contained food, toiletries, games and a copy of Mark’s Gospel. Rev. Andrea Boyes said, “When we packed up the boxes in the food bank, we included a copy of Mark’s Gospel, and have given out 300 so far. Such a great opportunity to spread the message of hope found in God’s word while showing practical love and care”.

Fiona told us that SBS had planned to distribute copies of Mark’s Gospel at a couple of shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. As the Festival was cancelled, many theatre groups have been forced to take the unprecedented step of moving online.  Not to be left behind, SBS have been involved with a group of actors in creating an 11-part audio drama for a serialized podcast, based on the book of Ruth in the Bible, called “Where You Go”. Having sorted out the licensing with Biblica, SBS set about using Ruth in NIrV, printing a give-away booklet for families linking with the audio drama.

Fiona said “this has been such a success story of our Summer. A few thousand families have benefitted from our Ruth themed ‘Bag of Love’.  We created a 5-day online event that could be used in place of holiday bible clubs, which included activities and an episode from the audio drama of Ruth. So far there have been 1,400 downloads of the audio drama, and it was even featured on BBC Radio Scotland”.

(You can access the audio drama here:

On behalf of SBS, Fiona said “Biblica has been enormously and incredibly flexible. People like Trevor Wilson and Marius Roetz have been so willing to help us as we have moved to get more of the Bible online.”

Just when we thought the conversation was over, Fiona let us know that following on from the Ruth audio drama, SBS are planning to run an Advent version. It is clear that the Scottish Bible Society are adapting and evolving in these times to continue to put the Bible into people’s hands and hearts, and we at Biblica are so blessed to be part of that with them.

The Balding Bishop & 3,000 Gospels of Luke

The Adventures of the Ginger Vicar and the Balding Bishop is an innovative project of Share Jesus International (SJI).

Over six episodes Andy Frost (Balding Bishop) and Rich Ellerington (Ginger Vicar), share adventures and stories of meeting people in Costa Rica, Panama, Norway, Morocco and the USA, while gradually exploring the Christian narrative.  Great resources for school assemblies and youth events and can be accessed here: The Adventures of the Ginger Vicar and the Balding Bishop

We want to give people the opportunity to discover who Jesus is

To help people further explore who Jesus is, SJI and Biblica partnered on the production of a custom edition of Luke’s Gospel, as an accompaniment to the YouTube channel ‘GVBB adventures‘. It includes some great graphics and an introduction which challenges people to read the story of Jesus for themselves.

Watch this short video as Andy Frost takes delivery of 3,000 copies of this custom version of Luke’s Gospel.

The Story of Jesus as Told By Luke
The Story of Jesus as Told By Luke

If you want to find out how we can work with you in providing customised Bible resources, please visit our website ( or email us at [email protected] to start a conversation.

GVBB say “If you want to read the greatest adventure of all time, you won’t find a greater one then the story of Jesus as told by Luke. If you’ve never read the story of Jesus or want to give one to a friend, then email [email protected] & we’ll send a complimentary copy in the post to you!”

The Christian Medical Fellowship

The Christian Medical Fellowship was formed in 1949 and exists to unite and equip Christian doctors, nurses and midwives to live and speak for Jesus Christ. Currently the membership includes approximately 5,000 doctors, 900 medical, nursing and midwifery students and 300 nurses and midwives.

The aims of the CMF are:

  • Discipleship – to unite Christian healthcare professionals and students in Christ and encourage them to deepen their faith, live like Christ and serve him obediently, particularly through acting competently and with compassion in their clinical practice.
  • Evangelism – to encourage Christian healthcare professionals and students to be witnesses for Christ amongst all those they meet.
  • Mission – to mobilise and support all Christian healthcare professionals and students in serving Christ throughout the world.
  • Values – to promote Christian values in society, especially, but not limited to, the areas of bioethics and healthcare.

Read more about what CMF does on their website:

In 2016 Biblica produced a custom version of the gospel written by Doctor Luke for CMF appropriately called A Physician’s Story. Since then hundreds of copies have been given to members to use as evangelistic resources with colleagues and fellow students and some distributed at outreach events, such as the London Healthcare Carol Service.

In response to the coronavirus pandemic CMF ran a 40 episode podcast series called “Voices from the Front Line” featuring healthcare professionals in the UK and other parts of the world.  In the 40th episode Audrey, a Consultant Anaesthetist working in an Intensive Care Unit in Glasgow shared some of her experience from the previous few months. She describes it as a rollercoaster with mountain tops of fun and very low valleys dealing with a significant number of deaths to the disease, and the intense grief experienced by staff as they accompanied people in the final moments of their lives in the absence of family. She also shares how she has seen the sacrifice of so many healthcare staff, and how she has been able to share Jesus with people in the middle of all of this.

We recommend you listen to some of these at and check out their Instagram accounts at  and

Other resources on the CMF website includes a seven-day guide to praying for Christian healthcare workers and how to care for healthcare workers in your church family.

At Biblica we highly commend these resources and encourage you to make use of them.  We look forward to developing new resources with the CMF.

An Interview with Andy Dakin

Part 1 – Introducing Andy Dakin

Andy Dakin is the Executive Director of the Naval & Military Bible Society (NMBS). Biblica print NIV New Testaments with Psalms (NTP) for NMBS to distribute to various military units. These are extremely well received by trainees and serving personnel.  With increasing demand for NTPs and for bilingual scriptures in 2020, Biblica are excited to see what lies ahead as we continue to partner with NMBS. In this story we wanted to introduce Andy to you – to share part of his story and how he got involved with NMBS. In a follow-up story we ask him some questions about the work of NMBS and the partnership with Biblica.      

Andy Dakin spent his early years living on the Island of Jersey with his parents and an older brother, where his father worked as an aircraft engineer. Following a move back to England for the eldest son to start senior school in preparation for University, Andy’s father then worked for Lloyd’s Insurance assessing crashed airplanes. Andy’s brother went to university in Southampton, joining the Air Squadron, learnt to fly and joined the Royal Air Force (R.A.F.) as a Navigator.

When it came time for Andy to go on to tertiary education he chose to study Geography at Birmingham University with the tentative plan of becoming a Geography teacher. It will come as no surprise though that he followed similar interests to his father and brother and joined the Air Squadron at university. Recognised for his flying abilities he obtained a scholarship from the R.A.F. in his final year which involved training at the R.A.F. College in Cranwell, Lincolnshire. From this he was selected to fly Harrier jets – famous for their vertical / short take-off and landing.

With regards to active service, operational clearance for Andy came just at the end of the Falklands War, but Andy did get to spend a number of deployments on the Falklands, followed by Belize and across Europe.

Along the way Andy met his future wife who was training to be a nurse. They got married and had three children, who are now grown up and the number of grandchildren currently sits at five.  In the early stages of married life Andy was part of No. 1 Squadron – the R.A.F.’s oldest unit which has been involved in every major British military operation from the First World War to present time. This involved, over a 10-year period, time in the UK, Germany, The United States and back to Germany before returning to the UK.

In 1990 the Iraqi Army invaded Kuwait and with a few weeks, Andy was posted to the Gulf with the U.S. Marine Corps trying to process whether conflict was going to follow, and thinking about his wife and three children, all under four years old, who he had left at the Marine Corps Air Station in Cherry Point, North Carolina.  Andy pays tribute to his wife who not only looked after the family in these new circumstances, but she also looked after many of the Marine Corps wives who were left at home.  In fact, she received official recognition for this with a Marine Corps Commendation. At this time Andy’s wife had a faith and was attending a good church in Cherry Point, though as a typical “young arrogant fighter pilot”, Andy’s words, he didn’t think he needed any help for a higher authority.

Andy spent seven and a half months in The Gulf, during which he had plenty of time to think and reflect on life, his relationships with family, others and the world around him. He also had time to read. He was given a U.S. Marine Corps camouflage covered NIV New Testament and Psalms. Andy said “in reading this Bible, I came to the realisation that my life would be for nothing without a relationship with the living God. Whilst I wasn’t fearful about going to war, having this relationship was extremely comforting”. It was while serving in The Gulf War that Andy came to faith in Jesus. Talking about numerous near misses, Andy said “without my faith, I don’t think I would still be here! During the war and my subsequent career there were many times when the difference between life and death has been a few centimetres or a couple of seconds!”.

After the RAF, Andy worked with BAESYSTEMS as the new technology projects manager within the Harrier programme. In his spare time, he also worked with Cranfield University on air research programmes.

Jumping forward to 2018 Andy was seeking a future career path in a vocational environment that had connections to his Christian beliefs.  He had shared this with his church Home Group, and they prayed for him.  The very next day he received a call asking if he would consider interviewing for the role of Executive Director of the Naval & Military Bible Society (NMBS), which provide Bibles to service personnel. Andy was successful in this process and has now been with NMBS for nearly 2 years building connections with chaplains, supporters and partner organisations in the UK and around the world.

PART 2 – An Interview with Andy Dakin, Executive Director, Naval & Military Bible Society

Biblica: When did you first become aware of the work of Biblica, and how have Biblica and Naval & Military Bible Society (NMBS) been working together over the years?

Andy: The relationship between Biblica and NMBS began before I started in my role, and I have been pleased to continue that connection through my tenure.

It is important that we access widely recognised versions of the Bible in NMBS published material and Biblica’s New International Version of Scripture is key to our offerings. We operate by giving Bibles and other Christian resources to personnel in the military, cadet forces and seafarers both through chaplaincies and directly to individuals and organisations.

Biblica: Tell us more about those that you partner with.

Andy: We partner with many organisations; chaplaincies for the military, other services, cadet forces and seafarers to reach with high-quality Christian resources. Whilst we write our own material, we do not re-invent the wheel and if we can see someone is producing excellent books that could help individuals we are trying to reach, then we will partner with these organisations. For example ‘Inner Struggles’, produced by ‘BeaconLight’, was originally produced for prison ministry and we took that book and adapted it to produce both a military, seafarer’s and Royal Navy editions.

Biblica: Tell us more about the NIV New Testament with Psalms that Biblica recently provided.  How have they been distributed?

Whilst we produce both hardback and paperback full Bibles, the pocket-sized New Testament and Psalms (NTP) is central to our operation. It provides a high-quality and durable resource for the personnel that receive them.

Working through Biblica we can cost-effectively produce NTPs in batches of 5,000. These batches generally contain about five variants. Some versions, such as the Royal Navy and Army versions, are produced in their thousands. However, we also produce versions for individual Army Regiments, Brigades and Battalions down to around two hundred and fifty units.

A majority of our distributions come via orders made by individuals and organisations through our website (, however we also receive orders via email, telephone call and even occasionally by letter!

We are seeing an explosion of requirement for our Bibles and in 2020, if funds become available, we are on track to deliver five times our historical annual output.

Biblica: Can you share something about the response of those who receive the Bibles?

Through the distribution of our Bibles and books we are seeing an increased desire for the pursuit of all things spiritual. For instance, whilst one might think that the youth of today may not consider such things, it is our experience that this is not the case. In an environment, like the Royal Naval recruit training centre at HMS Raleigh where chaplains offer Bibles as part of their ministry, generally 95% of personnel passing through ask for a Bible and associated materials, and we see the same in Army training centres.

We often receive testimonies from our seafaring chaplains with whom we are connected with through our membership of the International Christian Maritime Association. One recent example of the appreciation of availability of Bibles to seafarer’s came from Panama:

“Just to let you know that I visited a containership today.  A crew of 17, 14 of whom are Filipino.  I took on a couple of the NMBS Bibles and the bi-lingual NTs…well, you would think that I was distributing the winning lottery ticket!  They were snatched up with great delight.  One young Able-Bodied Seaman, James, who was stationed at the gangway, asked me for a Bible.  When I told him that I had left an extra one with the Chief Officer for whomever needed one…James took off, ran to claim it. It was a lovely moment and I left the containership (in a real tropical down pour – soaked to the skin) with a smile.” Fr. Ian Cervantes-Hutchinson

Biblica: What are your plans for the rest of 2020?

As I’ve already mentioned the requirement for Christian material from our ‘audience’ seems to have exploded! We will be producing around 25,000 NTPs for at least 20 different organisations and also a number of hardback full Bibles. In one instance the provision of several hundred NTPs to the Kenya Defence Force has led to a ‘Bibles for Soldiers’ project in that country, which requires the production of 20,000 NTPs. Also, of special note is the ongoing initiative to produce a suite of Bible materials for the seafaring world. This includes Diglot Luke/Acts extracts and NTPs in Tagalog, Russian, Mandarin, Indonesian and Hindi. As always, the need for funds to complete these initiatives is the prime challenge!

Biblica: How can people be praying for you and the work you are involved in?

  1. As we continue to operate through the current COVID-19 crisis, we would ask that our supporters pray that our suppliers, partners, chaplaincies and recipients are not unduly affected over the coming months.
  2. Increased levels of funding from individuals and granting organisations. We have made concerted efforts over the last year to reduce our operating budget and in 2020 this is set to be 30% less than the 2019 value. This enables more of our income to be made available for the production of resources. However, the greatly increased demand for our materials, particularly Bibles, means there is always a shortfall.
  3. That we continue to make new relationships, and enhance existing relationships, so that we are able to ensure that we are providing the best suite of materials for our partners. Our uniqueness comes from the fact that we are a gifting Bible Society that builds bespoke relationships with our connections so that we supply the resources that is best suited to the individual requirements.
  4. We are looking to make connections that can help with the content of our mental welfare related booklet programmes.
  5. We work with a very small team and whilst we are working ever more efficiently it is difficult to be constantly available for our connections in the UK and globally. So, we are in the process of building a network of volunteer ‘Ambassadors’, whose role is to promote our ministry to their local and regional communities. Finding the skilled people to fulfil our motto of, “Serving those who Serve” in their locality is one of our needs of the moment.

For more information on the work of NMBS visit

For more information on how Biblica can help your church or organisation reach out with God’s Word visit

An Interview with Mark Armstrong

Biblica: Mark, can you tell us the organization that you work for, and the role that you have?

I am an Associate Missionary working with SIM (Serving in Mission) Zimbabwe, and in December 2019 I took over the role of LEARN Zimbabwe Project Manager.

Biblica: Please tell us about LEARN?

Mark: LEARN stands for Leaders Equipping and Resourcing Network and we are working to provide pastors with the resources they need to better understand and teach the gospel.  Currently working in Zimbabwe, but there is great potential to expand to other nations and to partner with other organisations.

Pastor using the LEARN app
Pastor using the LEARN app

Biblica: How are you doing this, and explain to us the context for pastors working in Zimbabwe.

Mark: The context the pastors are working in is a difficult one.  There is a lot of false teaching in Zimbabwe, alongside which other religions are rapidly growing.

To help equip pastors, we are giving them a tablet loaded with up to 50 books, and we have developed a platform that is both web and app based, designed to resource them so that they can teach and explain the Bible accurately and confidently. The app also helps the leaders provide ongoing pastoral support by providing information about who is reading what and how the teaching programmes are being used.  The app also provides great information for partner organisations allowing them to see how their resources are being used.

Biblica: How have Biblica been involved?

Mark: A vital aspect of the app is the integration of the bible interfacing with all resources on the app. Research with Zimbabwean church leaders revealed their desire to access the NIV translation of the Bible.  We knew that Biblica hold the license for the NIV translation and we first presented the vision to Biblica at the World CBMC Convention in Belfast in 2018.

Biblica immediately grasped the vision of LEARN to resource and equip church leaders and became one of the valued partners in the project, along with Langham Publishing, Crossway, 10ofThose, SPCK, ACTS, TGC and LEARN Global.


Biblica: How have things progressed in recent months?

Mark: In June 2019 we piloted the app in Harare and Mutare with a number of church leaders, and following on from this, using some very useful feedback, we were able to train 50 leaders. To date 90 tablets with the app have been distributed to church leaders in Zimbabwe.

Biblica: What are you planning for 2020?

Mark: We have a vision to distribute a further 400 tablets in 2020 to church leaders in other parts of Zimbabwe – Bulawayo, Masvingo and Chitungwiza. In addition, other nations have shown a keen interest, so we are excited to see where else it can be used across the world.

Pastor using the LEARN app
Pastor using the LEARN app

Biblica: Can you share a particular story where you have seen God’s word having an impact?

Mark: One of the early recipients of the tablet and app was a Pastor Philip Matsatswa (United Baptist Church). Since June 2019 Pastor Philip has been using the electronic library to teach his church, including a pre-service Sunday School class. The Pastor is also engaged in planting six new churches. The new resource has been used to prepare the teams who are involved in starting these new churches.  We are greatly encouraged to hear how Pastor Philip has been using the resources ensuring the bible is at the centre of these churches.

Biblica: thank you Mark – we look forward to hearing how this exciting innovation develops….


Dionne Mutambisi

Finance Officer

Dionne joined Biblica in January 2023. As a detail-orientated accounting and finance professional she has been meeting the accounting needs of companies, not-for-profit organisations and individuals for over 12 years. Dionne lives in Bournemouth with her husband and three children, Heavenly-Joy, Daniel-Jesse and Josiah-James. Together they attend City Gate Church. Dionne serves as a governor for two local Church of England schools.