“Our close partnership with Biblica is critical to the success of our ministry”

Biblica has a long-standing partnership with Eastern European Mission (EEM), which began with the licensing of Romanian and Russian translations for children’s illustrated Bibles for schools and churches in Moldova, Romania, Ukraine and Russia.


EEM was established in 1961 in Vienna to provide God’s Word in print in the languages of the nations behind the “Iron Curtain”. As times changed, the organisation evolved but continued to focus on its core mission of providing Bibles, free of charge, to the countries of Eastern, Central, and South-Eastern Europe. EEM currently operates in 30 different countries and provide Bible and other biblical resources in over 25 different languages. EEM has field offices in Russia, Ukraine, Czechia, Romania, Greece, Belarus, and Serbia, and partner with hundreds of churches and ministries to distribute the Bible to all who want to read it. In recent years EEM has been distributing over 1 million pieces of literature per year.

Mark Finnie, Biblica Vice President for Europe and the Middle East said “Biblica’s vision to reach the marginalised and vulnerable is shared by EEM… tens of thousands of Arabic and Farsi Bibles have been given to refugees fleeing Iran and Syria and other troubled areas of the Middle East…. At Biblica we love working with EEM as they bring God’s word to new believers and those who have never heard the story of God’s love and forgiveness”.

Bartosz Rybinski is the Vice President of European Operations for EEM. Originally from Warsaw, Poland, he has a background in business and ministry. Bartosz has been a follower of Christ for nearly 30 years and currently serves with EEM in Vienna, Austria since 2007.


Biblica recently provided EEM with Bibles in Romanian, and we were keen to find out from Bartosz how they were being used. Bartosz said “Romanian Bibles are requested by churches, mission organisations, and schools in Romania, Moldova, and Greece. The Bibles are distributed during evangelistic campaigns, outdoor events, door-to-door, as gifts for Christmas or Easter and used in public and private schools for religious education classes. They often go to the most neglected, forgotten, and poorest of the society. Even though COVID-19 restrictions have impacted some of these efforts, the demand for the Romanian Bibles remains high. From the 33,000 copies we produced in partnership with Biblica in late 2020, about 5000 copies remain in our inventory as of end of May 2021. We expect to have completely distributed them by August 2021.”


Mitru and Ica Doboș are partners of EEM working in Arad County, Romania. They work particularly with schools providing resources for children. A Religious Studies teacher, Poduț Dănuț, in one of the schools said

“I gave out the Bibles as a prize to some of my students. I was surprised when some colleagues asked me for Bibles so they could also give them out as prizes! The following year a teacher asked me if we could give the Bibles to each student in the preparatory class through the eighth grade, which I did. So going from giving out a few Bibles in my classes, I was giving out 680! Then, Religious Studies colleagues from other schools asked me for Bibles for their schools!

We have been very encouraged to hear of grandparents, older siblings, and parents reading the Bibles. I have had many of my students engage with the Bible and other resources and they want to discuss more about what the Bible says.”

The desire of EEM to get the Bible into the hands of more people is clear. Bartosz said

Our close partnership with Biblica is critical to the success of our ministry and has an impact on access to Bibles all over Eastern and Central Europe. In addition to the recently published 2nd edition of the Serbian Bible, we are working with our friends at Biblica on new editions of the Russian and Romanian Bibles, Serbian and Romanian Bibles in Large Print, for the older generation and Bibles in Sorani for the refugees in Greece and beyond. Without the long-term vision of Biblica to provide translations in these and many other languages, the work of EEM would be much more challenging and thousands would not have access to a modern Bible text in their own language.”

 How encouraging is to hear about this work to get God’s Word into the hands of those who need it in a contemporary translation that they understand!

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Will You Stand With Us This Christmas?

A Message from our CEO Geof Morin.

As we approach the end of 2021, I wonder what this past year has held for you and your family? Perhaps you are feeling tired, overwhelmed or burdened by all that has been going on in our world. Perhaps you have been struggling with personal, health or financial challenges this year, or you may know those who have suffered significant loss. But whatever 2021 has held, together we can rejoice and celebrate the amazing truths Paul shares with us in Romans 15:13.

God’s Word assures us there is always hope, not a fairytale Christmas kind of hope, but a hope that is sure and certain, in a God who is faithful. A God who will keep his promises. A God who always remains true.

True joy is a gift which comes only from God – it means that whatever our circumstances, we can still experience profound joy, deep within our soul.

Once we were enemies of God, but because Christ came to dwell with us on earth, we can rest and trust in him.

As I have chatted to our ministry leaders and partners around the world this year, it is clear that God’s hope, joy and peace is still very real and evident in the world today, even in the most challenging situations. In 2021 we have seen first-hand the Word of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, bringing hope to people who are in difficult circumstances, those who are refugees, those facing persecution for their faith, people who are facing dire financial hardships. But in the midst of all these challenges, God’s can still bring true hope, joy and peace.

As we reflect on these profound truths from God’s Word, I would love to share two short stories of hope with you from our ministry partners in the Middle East….

A Rock in Troubled Times As the raging battles drew closer and closer, Amani* fled from her home in Syria. With her husband and three young children she crossed into Lebanon and was placed in a temporary refugee camp of tents not far from the border. Five years later, this temporary accommodation has become their permanent home. Our good friends and partners from Mokattam Evangelical Church have been reaching out to the camp, and a volunteer student team recently visited Amani and her family, bringing food, Christian literature and the gift of a Bible in Arabic.

Amani shared her frustrations with the team, “Our government is not stable, our situation is not stable, our financial system is not stable, so we don’t believe there can be any stability in this world.” One of the students answered, “All worldly things are unstable, but we are here to tell you about the only one who brings security – and you can trust him and His Word as a rock to build your life on.” Amani turned away from the food and supplies, reaching instead with a smile on her face for the Bible and asked where she should start reading.

“No-one has ever visited us before…..” The Pastor from Mokattam also shared with me another story from their work in Cairo. Azbet al-Hagana is a slum area, home to thousands of Sudanese refugees who live in tight, cramped homes, waiting without hope for their asylum papers. Recently, another group of volunteers from the church visited to distribute supplies and bibles. The families were shocked, as no Egyptian had ever visited them in their homes, saying they had previously felt rejected as outcasts. But the students were able to share that it was the Holy Spirit living inside them that motivated them to visit and demonstrate God’s love. The families received the gifts and Bibles with joy.

Will you join with me in praying for our brothers and sisters across the Middle East who are seeking to bring God’s hope, joy and peace into difficult situations this Christmas?

Perhaps you would like to support us with a gift to help us continue to get God’s Word into difficult situations, and to those who are struggling to afford daily essentials.

As we celebrate this Christmas season, my prayer for each of you is that “as you trust in him…you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Thank you for standing with us prayerfully and financially.

Praying God’s peace and blessing on you and your family this Christmas time and beyond.

Yours in Christ’s service,

Geof Morin

Can you support our work? Please visit our giving page

Changing Lives, Building Hope


Arriving at St Stephen’s Primary School, a team from Fields of Life were welcomed into Head Teacher Margaret’s office, where they saw a 3-year strategic plan on the wall. Incredibly, detailed among the plan, was the pressing need to find children’s Bibles for chapel time.
“God answers prayer!” exclaimed Margaret when she saw the Treasure Hunt Bibles that Fields of Life brought to gift the school. She was amazed by God’s timely provision. Every Thursday, the pupils attend chapel hour where they learn Bible stories and memory verses. Up to this point they had been doing this without Bibles for the children to follow.

The pupils’ faces lit up as they received 100 new Bibles and learnt how to use them.

Based in the UK, working in East Africa, the ambition of Fields of Life is “to transform the lives of the most vulnerable and marginalised people through the provision of quality education, clean water, health promotion and other community-based programmes.”

In Uganda children and young people in vulnerable communities face challenging circumstances that can negatively impact their physical, emotional, and spiritual development. Many carry the pain and trauma of extreme poverty. Many drop out of school at a young age and are vulnerable to exploitation and teenage pregnancy, often lacking access to quality Christian education and child-friendly Bible resources.

The experience of the Fields of Life team is people will donate money to drill a well, or help to build a school, but they struggled to raise money to provide Bibles and Bible resources. Discussions between Biblica and Fields of Life began, and a valuable began a number of years ago, with 10,000 copies of Dear Theo, and continues to this day.

Recently Biblica partnered in a project where Fields of Life were investing in the holistic development of young people, equipping them to emerge as inspirational, Christian leaders shaped by Kingdom values, by providing Treasure Hunt Bibles and Reach for Life booklets.

A representative from Fields of Life said “Thank you Biblica for your vital partnership on this project. The Treasure Hunt Bibles and Reach for Life booklets distributed through this project will be used by schools and churches in lessons, afterschool clubs, school libraries and Sunday Schools.”


Even with COVID-19, Fields of Life have been able to roll out the project in 9 schools and 2 partner churches impacting 2,200 young people. Project highlights so far include:

  • 1,000 Treasure Hunt Bibles distributed.
  • 2,200 young people given access to the scriptures in an age-appropriate format; and
  • 48 teachers and church leaders trained on how to use Bibles and Reach for Life resources.



“The provision of these beautiful Treasure Hunt Bibles is a dream come true. It is incredible to give the gift of God’s word to the schools and communities we know and love.”
Monica, Fields of Life Community Development Officer

“I always wanted a Bible, but my parents could not buy me one. I thank you very much for giving me a Bible. I am very happy and excited about my Bible. I will be reading it daily and tell my sisters about what I read…. I thank Biblica for working with Fields of Life to give us these Bibles”
Abraham, Primary 7

Can you support us as we work to get Bible resources into the hands of children like Abraham? To support our work, visit our giving page

Sharing God’s Word in Eastern Europe

Oleg Yakimenko came to Christ when he was a university student in 1993. Some Christians gave him a New Testament and encouraged him to read about Jesus in the gospels. The Word of God changed his life and incredibly he is now working to get God’s Word into the hands of others.

For twenty years he and his wife served as missionaries, planting a church in St. Petersburg, Russia. He is currently the National Director for Russia/Kazakhstan/Belarus in the Eastern European Mission (EEM).

EEM is an international ministry that, together with partners, focuses on providing free Bibles and other Bible-based resources across Eastern Europe.

Working in partnership with local churches and ministries, EEM has been distributing Biblica’s New Russian Translation (NRT) Bibles across Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.  Some of the Bibles are sent by mail to individuals who request a copy. Others are distributed to small local churches that would struggle to purchase copes, for their new members.

Many of the Bibles are provided to people through outreach projects ran by partners. This includes prison ministry, evangelism in rural areas, ministry to recovering addicts, visiting the poor and single-parent families and at special events.

We asked Oleg to tell us one thing about the distribution of these Bibles in each of the countries. This is what he told us:

In Russia, many believers still use an older translation of the Bible from the 19th Century. However, more and more requests are coming from conservative groups like Russian Orthodox churches for the NRT Bibles to use in their Bible-reading sessions, recognising that they need a quality contemporary translation so that people can understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Reflecting on the demand for NRT Bibles in Kazakhstan, Oleg said “The production/distribution of Christian literature is limited in this country. The level of poverty is also a big factor for the big need in free Bibles.”


Oleg said that In Belarus, a lot of believers used the NRT Bibles as a sign of peace when they marched on the streets of Minsk and other big cities. The believers expressed their opposition to the violence during the political unrest in Belarus in 2020.”


In the spring of 2021, Oleg received this encouraging story out of difficult circumstances. A young man called Alexander had undergone spinal surgery and lost feeling in the lower part of his body. He was diagnosed with cancer and he was bedridden for about 2 months. He asked his mother for a Bible and requested that people pray for him. Local Christians brought Alexander a gift of the NRT Bible – he was so glad to have a Bible he could read and understand. Oleg said “The fear of an unknown future, with questions about whether he would survive or be able to walk in the future, made him run to learn more of the One who is our Hope!”

Oleg’s life was transformed because Christians shared God’s Word with him. Please pray for him as he now directs the work of sharing God’s Word in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus for EEM.

Can you help us get God’s Word into the hands of those who need it most in Eastern Europe and Central Asia? Please consider giving to support projects like this one with partners including EEM, working on the front line in the region.  To support our work, visit our giving page

Easter in the Park

Biblica serves ministries and churches on the frontline of the Gospel by creating Scripture outreach resources tailored toward those who desperately need God’s Word – the unreached, unengaged, unchurched, unwanted an unseen. Our work started by reaching out to immigrants arriving on Ellis Island, and an important aspect of our work today continues to be among refugees.

If you want to find out more about our work serving those on the frontline, visit our website

Helping Hands has been working among refugees in Greece since 2016. Ben* lives in Athens with his wife and two young children, and since 2020 he has had the role of Program Coordinator.

Ben said “We want to see lives transformed and we therefore plant gospel seeds in the lives of our refugee friends that, by God’s grace, will grow and bear fruit.”  He continued “We are always amazed how God uses his Word to touch people. For many refugees, it is the first time they have had access to God’s Word without needing to fear.”

In May 2021 Helping Hands were able to begin distributing 700 New Testaments in Farsi, provided by Biblica to help resource their work. Ben said that Easter each year is the best time for them to share their faith as it is a significant part of Greek culture and celebrated as a religious holiday. Helping Hands usually celebrate by proving meals to a large number of people, but due to COVID-19 they had to creatively adapt their plans in 2021.

Over four days, twelve families per day were invited to a park, in 30-minute intervals, to play games, and hear the gospel through storytelling and watch a 3-minute video from the book of Matthew.

One of the activities was a scavenger hunt through the park. At the end of this each person received traditional Easter sweet bread and red egg (which represents the blood of Christ), an Easter coloring book for the children, an SD card containing 2 videos from ‘The Bible Project’ on the Crucifixion and Resurrection, and a copy of the New Testament in Farsi. What a great gift pack!

Ben was able to share about a refugee family who were invited to the Easter in the Park celebration. On their journey as refugees they had heard the gospel and were intrigued by the teaching of the Bible. As a result of following Christ, the man had been transformed, and he no longer treats his wife badly. In the park, the woman was deeply affected when she heard that Mary, Jesus’ mother, had been a witness to His suffering. And as she has thought more about this, she is coming to better understand what her salvation means.

Ben said “Please pray for this family as they, along with their two young children settle, if only for a while in Athens and that we would be used by God as vessels of His hope, helping them grow on their journey with Him.”

*not his real name

Can you help us get God’s Word into the hands of more refugees? To support our work, visit our giving page

A Physician’s Testimony – in Italian

“I have read the Gospel of Luke with great pleasure. I found it really easy to understand and it impressed me. Thank You very much.” Giovanni.

Some regions of Italy were among the hardest hit at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Images of hospitals and medical staff under pressure featured on news channels across Europe.

Appropriately, it was into this situation that CLC Italy (Crociata del Libro Cristiano – Crusade of the Christian book) received 10,000 special copies of A Physician’s Testimony – Dr Luke’s Gospel,  to distribute.

CLC was born out of Worldwide Evangelisation for Christ (WEC) in the UK. It is now in over 50 countries worldwide. CLC Italy started in 1954 in Florence and has 6 bookshops across the country.

Andreas Bader, based in Sicily, has responsibility for Warehousing and Publishing. Andreas came to know the Lord when he was 15 at school during a break between lessons when another student shared his faith. From the start, reading God’s word and Christian books were really important for Andreas. That passion led him to missionary work in Italy with CLC.

This was not usual in Italy. Andreas said “In the past Bible reading has been strongly discouraged by the catholic church, so many Italians are completely unaware of the Gospel and caught in a somewhat superficial, traditional faith.

Having worked with Biblica over a couple of years on a new translation of the Bible into modern Italian, CLC wanted to produce with Biblica a customised version of the gospel of Luke, specially designed to speak to people at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Gospel’s are being distributed without charge through CLC bookshops, their website and through churches all over Italy, and they have been well received as these responses indicate:

“I found the translation to be fresh and modern. Easily understood, suitable especially for those reading the Bible for the first time.” Barbara

“I find this special edition of the Gospel of Luke very encouraging. I’m reading it with my 21-year-old son and we like flow of the text and the modern translation. It is just what I was looking for to be able to share God’s Word with others.” A pastor’s wife in Milan

Andreas is looking forward to working further with Biblica on other editions of this Gospel, producing study versions for Christian leaders and pastors. He hopes that they will soon be able to produce the second part of Dr Luke’s writings, the book of Acts.

For now, would you join us in praying for the ongoing situation in Italy. Andreas said “Unfortunately there have been many restrictions on church activity and the majority of Christian events had to be cancelled. However, there is a constant flow of booklets going out and we pray that they may reach those that are looking for the Lord, that they will find meaning to their existence, and that His Word is Life.”

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One Man and a Bible

We were recently contacted by Pedja from Serbia who had received a new Bible in the Serbian language (New Serbian Translation).  Delighted with his new Bible, which he described as ‘perfect’, Pedja was keen to know more about the translation process, and we were keen to know more about how he received the Bible and what it means to him.

Despite being a predominantly Christian country, up until recently Serbian Christians only had access to old Bible texts.  When Biblica was finalising a new Serbian translation back in 2017, it was said by Jim Courter (Global Bible Translation Consultant with Biblica) that “The Serbian people will soon have a Bible translation that has been carefully done from the original language texts by experts in those languages. The language and style are those in use in contemporary literature, but still in a form that reflects the dignity of the Word of God. Such a translation has not been available to the Serbian people until now.”

To answer Pedja’s more technical questions, Jim Courter recently added The Serbian translation was done by Greek and Hebrew scholars who used the original language texts as their base text. The translation philosophy and style is based on the NIV principles, and the translators occasionally looked at the NIV when a literal translation of Hebrew or Greek would be difficult for Serbian-speaking readers to understand.

In trying to get a Bible, Pedja had been doing some research online and watched a YouTube video of the CEO of Ikonos, one of our partners and a publisher of Christian literature in Serbia, who was talking about Biblica and a new translation of the Bible in modern Serbian.

New Serbian Translation Bible
New Serbian Translation Bible

Explaining why he was so pleased to hear about this translation Pedja said “I only had a Serbian Bible which was translated from the King James into Serbian 150 years ago, and it was really hard to read. Some of the passages are close to impossible to understand as the Serbian language has changed so much in recent years.  At times I would have to work so hard to read it that I would forget what I had just read in the previous section!”.

Pedja was desperate to get his own copy of the New Serbian Translation, but from what he could find out, all copies in his local area had been distributed.  He was disappointed, but then came a gift from a surprising source.  Pedja said “I received the Bible as a gift from a Serbian Orthodox Priest!  The Priest is a friend of the CEO of Ikonos and he had some Bibles to distribute for free.  My happiness was simply unmeasurable!”.

Pedja was baptized as an infant – he says 99% of babies in Serbia are baptized – and he has grown up with his faith. Due to his job it is difficult for him to attend worship every Sunday, but he attends when he can.

With regards to his new NST Bible, Pedja wants to learn as much as he can, so that God’s word will guide his life as he understands it more. He also wants to pass his knowledge on to others so that they will know it is not just enough to say “I am a Christian” as many do in Serbia, but he wants people to really understand the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and the impact this should have on their lives.

When talking to Pedja, it was obvious that he loves his God, but also his country.  He speaks of the bloody history of the country, and how he sees that God has protected it over the years.  He also shared how the Serbs are passionately protesting to protect the church from state ownership.

It was an education to talk to Pedja, but it was also such an encouragement to talk to someone who loves God’s Word and wants to share it with others.  We will be praying for you Pedja!

Pedja holding his Pedja reading the New Serbian Translation Bible
Pedja holding his Pedja reading the New Serbian Translation Bible

Introducing Bible Quest – a new online resource!

At Biblica we are motivated by the belief that God’s Word radically changes lives, and that everyone everywhere, deserves to experience its Truth for themselves. One aspect of that is to support new ministries who are coming up with fresh and exciting ways to encourage and enable people to read God’s Word, by allowing them to use the NIV text.

As a youth leader, Paul Lee is passionate about encouraging young people to read and engage with the Bible on a daily basis.  Using his knowledge and skills working as a developer for an online advertising company, Paul set about creating Bible Quest – a free online Bible reading challenge, which takes you on a virtual journey around mainland Britain, from Land’s End to John O’Groats.

Watch this short video of Paul providing an overview of Bible Quest:

When he first developed Bible Quest, Paul was initially only able to use public domain Bibles, but as he continued to develop the project further, he believed the NIV translation would be really beneficial for users because of its accessibility and familiarity. When Paul got in touch with us, we were delighted to be able to support this innovative project!

“As a small-scale ministry project, I wasn’t sure of the response I would get from Biblica when I first contacted them. But I prayed about it, shared the idea with my small group, and to my surprise and delight Biblica were willing to help. Through Biblica’s support, Bible Quest is now even more accessible, and will hopefully become a valuable resource for many people”.

Why not watch this short video to hear some first-hand stories of those who have used the resource, and share the project with young people and youth leaders who might benefit!

Do you want to support us as we help small ministries like Bible Quest get God’s Word to more people – visit https://www.biblicaeurope.com/give-now/

Stuck at home, but still sharing Jesus!

“Life before lockdown wasn’t always a bed of roses. But it was normal and predictable… usually… Now everything seems unknown. What does the future hold? Is there a door of hope?”

In partnership, Biblica and HOPE Together produced Hope in Uncertain Times – a booklet pointing to hope for now and for eternity.

Churches have ordered copies. Individuals have ordered copies. Mr and Mrs Wright have ordered over 100 copies.
Mr Wright had Guillain-Barre syndrome, followed by other health complications and is tetraplegic.  Two, often different, carers come into their home four times daily. Seeing this as an opportunity, Mr and Mrs Wright have been offering each of the carers a booklet.

On receiving the booklet, one of the carers shared how she went to Sunday School when she was a child and was pleased to recite John 3:16. So blessed by the booklet the carer asked for some copies to send to her Granny in a care home in Scotland.

Mrs Wright said

“We are stuck at home, but through this booklet we can reach others with the hope we have in Jesus.”

What an inspiration! “They will still bear fruit in old age” Psalms 92:12-15

Revival Ministry Denmark

As a young boy Jan Joensen started drinking alcohol. As a teenager, addiction to drugs almost cost him his life, several times. In 1995 his life was miraculously transformed as he became a Christian and was set free from addiction. Since then he has been serving the Lord. Jan is married and has two children. In 2010, he and his wife started Revival Ministry. Initially working in India planting a church and setting up a ministry to orphans, the focus changed in 2014.

Following an encounter with a refugee mother and daughter, who Jan had the privilege of leading to the Lord, and seeing a real transformation in their lives, Jan said ”the Lord changed my heart” and the ministry changed to be a a church movement working mainly with refugees.

Revival Ministry found it difficult to get the whole Bible in the languages of the people they were ministering to. At a conference Jan met a representative from Biblica. A relationship developed as Jan became aware of the work of Biblica, and in 2019 a plan started to take shape and recently Revival Ministry obtained 2,800 Arabic Bibles and 5,800 Farsi Bibles.

In France the Revival Ministry refugee church is based in several cities. From these cities the Arabic and Farsi Bibles are shared around France, and other parts of Europe.

Jan said “So far about 600 Arabic and 700 Farsi Bibles have been distributed, and we will have two-thirds given out within 3 months, with the rest given out within 6-7 months. The process may seem long, but as well as issues of distance, we have additional issues of getting the Bibles into particular ghettos. We are thankful that in France the team is recognised by the French government and therefore allowed to travel all over France to the groups. In other countries we have more issues.”

As part of the distribution, each leader gets their own Bible and a few to use for teaching and for leaders of discipleship groups.  Jan shared “When the leaders received the whole Bible it was like children who received a great gift. The joy and happiness can’t be described by words. Already there are hundreds of refugees in Bible study groups made possible because Biblica had mercy for the refugee church.  Because of how God is using our partnership with Biblica, we can see growth in the number of refugees coming to God.”

At Biblica we give thanks to God for the work among those who are suffering through persecution and in fear of deportation. We are humbled as we hear of people coming to faith as they live in these circumstances and how they then share the gospel with others.

If you would like to support Biblica’s work, please visit our Giving Page.


Dionne Mutambisi

Finance Officer

Dionne joined Biblica in January 2023. As a detail-orientated accounting and finance professional she has been meeting the accounting needs of companies, not-for-profit organisations and individuals for over 12 years. Dionne lives in Bournemouth with her husband and three children, Heavenly-Joy, Daniel-Jesse and Josiah-James. Together they attend City Gate Church. Dionne serves as a governor for two local Church of England schools.