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I have forgotten every sadness in my life when I found Jesus

Thousands of women in South Asia are finding help and healing after coming out of abusive situations, thanks to a Bible-based course we’ve developed.

The programme is called Asha; it’s been designed with our expert partners specifically to bring freedom to women who have been through this sort of trauma.

Over the last year, we’ve been excited to see Asha start to positively impact lives in the South Asia region. In 2022, Biblica held facilitator training sessions in India and the Philippines, so that our partner ministries and churches there would be equipped to lead women through the course.

We’re encouraged that more than 7,500 copies of the Asha book were distributed in the Kannada and Bengali languages alone. That’s many thousands of women who could discover the compassion and healing power of Jesus, and start on the road to a new, hopeful future.

One Asha participant said: “I have forgotten every sadness in my life when I found Jesus.”

Thank you for your support that allows us to equip local churches and ministries with high quality, life-giving resources like Asha, where they are most needed.

That’s a tiny glimpse of what God did through Biblica last year… In total, over 219 million people around the world accessed God’s Word through Biblica’s ministry in 2022!

You can read all about it in our 2022 annual report, which is now available online.
