Changing Lives, Building Hope


Arriving at St Stephen’s Primary School, a team from Fields of Life were welcomed into Head Teacher Margaret’s office, where they saw a 3-year strategic plan on the wall. Incredibly, detailed among the plan, was the pressing need to find children’s Bibles for chapel time.
“God answers prayer!” exclaimed Margaret when she saw the Treasure Hunt Bibles that Fields of Life brought to gift the school. She was amazed by God’s timely provision. Every Thursday, the pupils attend chapel hour where they learn Bible stories and memory verses. Up to this point they had been doing this without Bibles for the children to follow.

The pupils’ faces lit up as they received 100 new Bibles and learnt how to use them.

Based in the UK, working in East Africa, the ambition of Fields of Life is “to transform the lives of the most vulnerable and marginalised people through the provision of quality education, clean water, health promotion and other community-based programmes.”

In Uganda children and young people in vulnerable communities face challenging circumstances that can negatively impact their physical, emotional, and spiritual development. Many carry the pain and trauma of extreme poverty. Many drop out of school at a young age and are vulnerable to exploitation and teenage pregnancy, often lacking access to quality Christian education and child-friendly Bible resources.

The experience of the Fields of Life team is people will donate money to drill a well, or help to build a school, but they struggled to raise money to provide Bibles and Bible resources. Discussions between Biblica and Fields of Life began, and a valuable began a number of years ago, with 10,000 copies of Dear Theo, and continues to this day.

Recently Biblica partnered in a project where Fields of Life were investing in the holistic development of young people, equipping them to emerge as inspirational, Christian leaders shaped by Kingdom values, by providing Treasure Hunt Bibles and Reach for Life booklets.

A representative from Fields of Life said “Thank you Biblica for your vital partnership on this project. The Treasure Hunt Bibles and Reach for Life booklets distributed through this project will be used by schools and churches in lessons, afterschool clubs, school libraries and Sunday Schools.”


Even with COVID-19, Fields of Life have been able to roll out the project in 9 schools and 2 partner churches impacting 2,200 young people. Project highlights so far include:

  • 1,000 Treasure Hunt Bibles distributed.
  • 2,200 young people given access to the scriptures in an age-appropriate format; and
  • 48 teachers and church leaders trained on how to use Bibles and Reach for Life resources.



“The provision of these beautiful Treasure Hunt Bibles is a dream come true. It is incredible to give the gift of God’s word to the schools and communities we know and love.”
Monica, Fields of Life Community Development Officer

“I always wanted a Bible, but my parents could not buy me one. I thank you very much for giving me a Bible. I am very happy and excited about my Bible. I will be reading it daily and tell my sisters about what I read…. I thank Biblica for working with Fields of Life to give us these Bibles”
Abraham, Primary 7

Can you support us as we work to get Bible resources into the hands of children like Abraham? To support our work, visit our giving page


Dionne Mutambisi

Finance Officer

Dionne joined Biblica in January 2023. As a detail-orientated accounting and finance professional she has been meeting the accounting needs of companies, not-for-profit organisations and individuals for over 12 years. Dionne lives in Bournemouth with her husband and three children, Heavenly-Joy, Daniel-Jesse and Josiah-James. Together they attend City Gate Church. Dionne serves as a governor for two local Church of England schools.