Summer of Love

In February 2020 the phonelines were hot between Biblica and the Scottish Bible Society (SBS) as a unique edition of Mark’s Gospel was finalised and published. The plan was that 7,000 copies would be distributed to churches and individuals across Scotland to share in their communities with a further 3,000 copies for Scripture Union Scotland to use at their 2020 Summer Camps.

It will not surprise you that when the COVID-19 pandemic reached Scotland and the country went into lockdown, the plans were shelved and the 10,000 copies of Mark’s Gospel, which arrived just 2 days before lockdown, went into storage.

Mark's Gospel
Mark’s Gospel

A number of months on we were keen to get an update from SBS and to find out about other projects Biblica have been involved with, so we had a chat with Fiona McDonald, Director of National Ministries.

On Mark’s Gospel Fiona said “First off they are beautiful books! We are so pleased with them. They are beautifully illustrated to show contemporary life and designed to be an accessible read for those outside the church”. Fiona went on to confirm that “they arrived just as lockdown began and so we had to warehouse them as distribution was impossible”.

However, Fiona explained that in the months that followed they were able to send copies to some churches which was great in terms of getting some early feedback from others.  One rural church in the Highlands of Scotland had been distributing ‘Boxes of Blessing’ containing various essentials for people who were having to isolate due to the pandemic.  The boxes contained food, toiletries, games and a copy of Mark’s Gospel. Rev. Andrea Boyes said, “When we packed up the boxes in the food bank, we included a copy of Mark’s Gospel, and have given out 300 so far. Such a great opportunity to spread the message of hope found in God’s word while showing practical love and care”.

Fiona told us that SBS had planned to distribute copies of Mark’s Gospel at a couple of shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. As the Festival was cancelled, many theatre groups have been forced to take the unprecedented step of moving online.  Not to be left behind, SBS have been involved with a group of actors in creating an 11-part audio drama for a serialized podcast, based on the book of Ruth in the Bible, called “Where You Go”. Having sorted out the licensing with Biblica, SBS set about using Ruth in NIrV, printing a give-away booklet for families linking with the audio drama.

Fiona said “this has been such a success story of our Summer. A few thousand families have benefitted from our Ruth themed ‘Bag of Love’.  We created a 5-day online event that could be used in place of holiday bible clubs, which included activities and an episode from the audio drama of Ruth. So far there have been 1,400 downloads of the audio drama, and it was even featured on BBC Radio Scotland”.

(You can access the audio drama here:

On behalf of SBS, Fiona said “Biblica has been enormously and incredibly flexible. People like Trevor Wilson and Marius Roetz have been so willing to help us as we have moved to get more of the Bible online.”

Just when we thought the conversation was over, Fiona let us know that following on from the Ruth audio drama, SBS are planning to run an Advent version. It is clear that the Scottish Bible Society are adapting and evolving in these times to continue to put the Bible into people’s hands and hearts, and we at Biblica are so blessed to be part of that with them.

The Balding Bishop & 3,000 Gospels of Luke

The Adventures of the Ginger Vicar and the Balding Bishop is an innovative project of Share Jesus International (SJI).

Over six episodes Andy Frost (Balding Bishop) and Rich Ellerington (Ginger Vicar), share adventures and stories of meeting people in Costa Rica, Panama, Norway, Morocco and the USA, while gradually exploring the Christian narrative.  Great resources for school assemblies and youth events and can be accessed here: The Adventures of the Ginger Vicar and the Balding Bishop

We want to give people the opportunity to discover who Jesus is

To help people further explore who Jesus is, SJI and Biblica partnered on the production of a custom edition of Luke’s Gospel, as an accompaniment to the YouTube channel ‘GVBB adventures‘. It includes some great graphics and an introduction which challenges people to read the story of Jesus for themselves.

Watch this short video as Andy Frost takes delivery of 3,000 copies of this custom version of Luke’s Gospel.

The Story of Jesus as Told By Luke
The Story of Jesus as Told By Luke

If you want to find out how we can work with you in providing customised Bible resources, please visit our website ( or email us at [email protected] to start a conversation.

GVBB say “If you want to read the greatest adventure of all time, you won’t find a greater one then the story of Jesus as told by Luke. If you’ve never read the story of Jesus or want to give one to a friend, then email [email protected] & we’ll send a complimentary copy in the post to you!”

The Accessible Bible Project – Tio Associates

Tiō Associates is a small charity based in Northern Ireland.  Their vision is to see people with intellectual disabilities and their families being welcomed, valued and participating in the church and in society by promoting an authentic Christian perspective on intellectual disability.  The charity does this by speaking, teaching, training and consultancy, celebrating and supporting best practice.

Early in lockdown we supplied Tiō Associates with some NIrV Accessible Edition: New Testaments to distribute to those who would benefit from them and we were keen to find out how they were used, so we had a chat with Rachael Mackarel.

Biblica: Rachael, what is your role and how did you get involved?

Rachael: I studied a Masters of Theology under our founding director Ian Dickson on the topic of Biblical Pedagogy* for people with intellectual disabilities. We piloted theological education for people with intellectual disabilities at Belfast Bible College in 2012 and completed 8 terms with our students.

Subsequently I have been leading Tiō’s Accessible Bible study group for adults with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities. Our members have successfully taken part in leading church services and speaking at events including New Horizon as well as our own Tiō Associates conferences.

Biblica: Tell us how your group has been using the Accessible New Testaments

Rachael: Our group have been using the New Testaments since they were published and we always promote and model the use of them at all Tiō training, services and events especially those which are intentionally accessible for people with disabilities.

We often take our time over passages to learn, process and begin to apply the text into our own lives. Each term we have a theme or section of New Testament text to cover, for instance one theme was ‘Friends of Jesus’. We read and used drama, arts and activities to learn about the people Jesus was friends with and how he related to them.  We were able to bring out applications to help us all build positive relationships and be a good friend.  These topics we addressed pastorally through share and prayer time and peer support e.g.; those of us that struggle with conflict were able to learn from the patience and assertiveness of Christ; Those of us who feel lonely and friendless were comforted by His friendship with us.

Before lockdown started, we ceased meeting in person with our group to safeguard and protect the well-being of our volunteers and members.  We moved to online video conferencing and increased our frequency of meeting from fortnightly to weekly because so many other aspects of our members’ lives and routines were closing down, and we were keen to be a support to them.  More of our members were able to read from their own Bibles at home because the weight and size of them made them difficult to transport for some when we were physically meeting up. We focused on memory verses of hope through the Spring and Summer e.g., Romans 15:13 and we learnt the Makaton signs online together to help us to learn it.  We used this verse to springboard into praying for each other especially those with mental health struggles related to lockdown.

One of our members was sadly bereaved during the time that we were meeting online. We were unable to visit his family or support them at the funeral due to restrictions.  Sometimes the topic of death and loss can be a bit taboo in the intellectual disabilities community because we do not want to upset people. Like others, for people with intellectual disabilities being a witness to a friend’s grief can stir up feelings of loss they have also experienced.

The week of the funeral we all gathered online and wore black together as a sign of our collective mourning. Then we read from our NIrV:

Give praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! He is the Father who gives tender love. All comfort comes from him. He comforts us in all our troubles. Now we can comfort others when they are in trouble. We ourselves receive comfort from God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NIrV)

The group members were given time to think about a time that they were sad and needed God’s comfort and then we prayed for God’s comfort to be known to our friend and his family. This verse helped us to process our own sadness and at the same time think about the feelings of our friend.

Biblica: Is there something that has encourage you during lockdown?

Rachael: Many adults with intellectual disability do not own their own Bible. Some live in supported living where staff do not share their faith or are not aware of different types of Bibles. To be able to put the NIrV in the hands of people in these situations has been wonderful.  The simpler translation helps us to teach the meaning of texts without having to regularly stop and explain difficult words.   Before lockdown we would meet in a church building and do our Bible study in a separate space from the rest of their lives.  Now we are meeting online from our homes and the process of opening our Bibles and reading together is actually being shared with carers and staff, and so we are connecting with some of them in ways that we didn’t before.


*Pedagogy is the discipline of study related to the field of education and teaching methods


Dionne Mutambisi

Finance Officer

Dionne joined Biblica in January 2023. As a detail-orientated accounting and finance professional she has been meeting the accounting needs of companies, not-for-profit organisations and individuals for over 12 years. Dionne lives in Bournemouth with her husband and three children, Heavenly-Joy, Daniel-Jesse and Josiah-James. Together they attend City Gate Church. Dionne serves as a governor for two local Church of England schools.