Maintaining Church Community

Throughout church history, there are very rare instances where the people of God did not gather together regularly. These moments represented specific, overarching cultural situations that made it advisable for people in groups of any size to not gather together. COVID-19 is another example of a culturally singular moment that necessitates the decision for Christians not to hold their weekly church services and to do so knowing that they are not being unfaithful to the commands of Christ.

(R. Albert Mohler)

It could be argued that Sunday 22nd March 2020 was the most unusual Sunday in the history of Christianity. To contain the spread of COVID-19, many churches across the world were not allowed to meet or decided to take a break from meeting.

In response a lot of churches streamed services online for the first time. It was great to see the global church responding this way. Providing a way for people to connect and worship.  However, there are concerns about maintaining an ongoing sense of community during this time.  Questions are being asked about how the church continues to be the church when people cannot physically be together.

To assist churches, many organisations are providing ideas and resources.  At Biblica, we want to encourage you to consider Community Bible Experience.

What is Community Bible Experience?


Community Bible Experience (CBE) is simple but revolutionary, taking away verse numbers, chapter numbers and all the other things that interrupt the text of the Bible it invites people to read a whole section of the Bible all the way through.  And it encourages people to do this in community – more like a book club than a Bible study.

You can read a lot more about it by clicking on the link below where you can see the resources available and find stories of groups who have already begun their CBE journey:

It sounds good, but we can’t meet together?

What we are suggesting at this time is that groups of people get together online, through platforms for video calls, for example Zoom (, to maintain community and continue to fellowship together.  This may be small groups that are already meeting for Bible study or prayer. Or this might be a new experience, a new opportunity, for some.  For many, with the normal church programme on hold, now is time to try something different.

So if you are a church leader, please consider if you want to recommend this to your people.  Or perhaps as an individual you just want to get a group of friends together and begin your CBE journey.

We understand that everything that is going on at this time may evoke a sense of fear. The truth is that all of us will face fear and hardships in life. We want to encourage you to take comfort in the words of Jesus.

“In  this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” John 16:33 (NIV)

Bibles to Madeira

Madeira Island is the largest of the Madeira group of Islands which have a combined population of less than 300,000.  It is a popular tourist destination, with approximately 1.4 million visitors every year. In June 2019 a small mission team, resourced with New Testaments from Biblica were among those visiting the Island.

Recently we caught up with David Whalley who was part of the team.  David and several others from around the UK, had become part of the team in response to an appeal from Jason Murfitt.  Jason Murfitt and his wife Andrea recently returned to the UK having spent twelve years as missionaries in Brazil.  Over the past year Jason, through Grace Baptist Mission, has been scoping out the possibility of moving to Madeira to plant a church there.

David explained that Jason’s heart for Madeira was much inspired by the work of Dr. Robert Reid Kalley, a Scottish Presbyterian missionary, who went to the Island in 1838, and as he preached the gospel, more than 2000 people responded in following Jesus!

From his initial visits to Madeira, Jason identified a real need for bibles and other Christian resources on the Island, and so he put a call out for a Mission Team to go to Madeira to take some resources and share the gospel.  As part of the team, David was given the role of sourcing Bibles to take and he contacted Biblica, subsequently obtaining 200 English New Testaments.

The New Testaments were distributed among tourists and to 60 hotels on the island who were really open to having them in their lounges and reception areas.  David said that “We continue to pray that these New Testaments are being used by God to speak to the recipients who read them, and that they may be led to the Lord Jesus”.

David shared a story from the only day they had rain on the trip which took them into an indoor market where Cherry, another member of the team, got to chat with a Doctor from Brazil, and was able to give her a bible and other resources.  This conversation has continued online and the team have asked for prayer for Dr. Ana that she would continue to ask questions and come to faith.

Dave and the rest of the mission team, were able to share the good news of the gospel with many people, and in follow up to this Jason has been able to return to the Island and meet up with some who now desperately want to have Christian fellowship and very much look forward to joining an evangelical church.

At Biblica Europe we are delighted to have played a small part in this mission, helping to provide resources which may help to spark another response to the gospel as seen in the 1800s.

One of the hotels accepting New Testaments and other Christian material from two members of the mission team.
One of the hotels accepting New Testaments and other Christian material from two members of the mission team.

All bibles were freely given to those God brought across our paths. Many were also carefully placed in a number of Roman Catholic churches

All bibles were freely given to those God brought across our paths. Many were also carefully placed in a number of Roman Catholic churchesRueben, a Madeiran who owns a mobile juice bar. Jason has been in contact with him for several months. He also speaks English and was thrilled to receive the New Testament in English.

Rueben, a Madeiran who owns a mobile juice bar. Jason has been in contact with him for several months. He also speaks English and was thrilled to receive the New Testament in English.


Dionne Mutambisi

Finance Officer

Dionne joined Biblica in January 2023. As a detail-orientated accounting and finance professional she has been meeting the accounting needs of companies, not-for-profit organisations and individuals for over 12 years. Dionne lives in Bournemouth with her husband and three children, Heavenly-Joy, Daniel-Jesse and Josiah-James. Together they attend City Gate Church. Dionne serves as a governor for two local Church of England schools.